While walking Bean up to the pool today, I got really sad. It's taken me about 18 months to figure out how to raise one child well (or at least do a decent job at it). We are more excited than words and tears can say, but I frequently get fearful about having two so close together. I'm sure everything will work out fine yet it's hard for me to see how I'll be able to give both children the same. I've been seeing the "YOLO" catchphrase everywhere. With a little tweak, this summer is a project in YOHO - You Only Have One - enjoying every moment with just Bean so I'll have no regrets or wishes once little Chickpea arrives in October!
YOHO Adventure #1: We took the wagon (Bean's favorite) up to the pool for a picnic lunch. He loved all the cars, trucks, and runners that passed pointing out every one. His newest thing is saying "Kiss" before or after giving one. I soaked up each sweet peck on the arm, knee, or cheek and giggle that followed while being covered in peanut butter smudges. Who am I kidding? Yes, two will be challenging at first - but to have these precious interactions with TWO babies is so worth it! :)